What does a school governor do?
Governors are responsible for overseeing the management side of a school: strategy, policy, budgeting and staffing. They enable their school to run as effectively as possible, working alongside senior leaders and supporting teachers to provide excellent education to children. Being a school governor is a commitment to attending governing body meetings which consider issues such as setting the school vision, mitigating financial risk and scrutinising educational outcomes. They are also involved in the school community, acting as critical friends to the headteacher and senior leaders. Governors bring a wide range of skills and expertise from their professional lives to the governing board and schools benefit greatly from working with skilled volunteers.
All Governing Bodies of community schools can agree on a model for the size and membership of their Governing Body based on what best suits the circumstances of that school. The size of the Governing Body can range from a minimum of 7 to no maximum number. The Governing Body of North has a flat structure without committees, each Governor has a portfolio, links directly with a member of SLT and visits the school to ensure that they hold the school to account and support the school to improve in that area. We are proud of the diversity of our Governing Body
The Governing Body of North Primary School has the following members.
Last updated: 10/07/24
3 Parent Governors
Parents (including guardians/carers) of registered pupils at the school are eligible to stand for election for parent governorship at the school. Parent Governors are elected by other parents at the school.
Waasiq Ali
Subramaniam Kugasenan Chettiar
Monica Pallan-Sharma
Reena Rupareilia (Chair)
1 Staff Governor
Both teaching and support staff paid to work in the school are eligible for staff governorship. One Staff Governor is elected by the school staff and must be paid to work at the school; volunteers are not eligible.
Eanna Burke
The Head teacher is a member of the Governing Body by virtue of her position.
Nicola Forster
1 Local Authority (LA) Governor
The LA Governor is nominated by the Local Authority (LA). The Governing Body may agree to appoint (or not) the LA nominee, and can also submit eligibility criteria by which a nominee should be selected.
Robert Dancey (Vice Chair)
2 Co-opted Governors
Co-opted Governors are appointed by the Governing Body often to meet the need for a specific set of skills, knowledge or experience. Co-opted Governors can be people who live or work in the community served by the school, or people who do not work or live close to the school, but are committed to the good governance and success of the school.
Najmo Mohammed
Ian Price