Below you will be able to find links to all of our home learning resources. All children also have access to Google Classroom which is updated with assignments and information about individual classes home learning. Please ensure your child logs on to their google classroom regularly and follows the weekly expectations laid out in the home learning expectations document. Also please ensure your child's reading record is updated regularly.
To find out how to access your child's Google Classroom click here.
Below are videos to support parents in understanding how we teach your children to read using the Read, Write Inc scheme. There are also further links to resources which will help you to support your child's learning at home. Your child will also find daily RWI 'sound videos' in their phonics Google Classroom.
Must Reads
In every year group we have a number of books that we expect the children to read over the course of the academic year. These are interesting and engaging texts which teachers have selected to open children's eyes to wonderful characters, stories and entertainment. We are always updating these books so make sure you keep your eyes peeled for new 'Must Reads' coming home! Please support your children to access these books and remember - you can read them more than once!